Lara Friedman, Executive Director of Foundation for Middle East Peace
"'The Law and the Prophets" shines a bright light on realities of the Palestinian experience - past and present - that are rarely addressed and even more rarely centered in the public discourse around Israel-Palestine: Israel’s ongoing dispossession, dehumanization, and denial of rights of Palestinians on both sides of the Green Line, the lack of accountability imposed on Israel by the international community for its systematic violations of international law, and the emptiness of any talk of "peace" that doesn't prioritize stopping these abuses and ending Israeli impunity."
John Anderson, Co-Moderator, The ISrael/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
"I thought your film was exceptional, thorough, clear and declarative. As a denomination, in July, we finally declared what Israel does as apartheid, and your film lays out the realities from those who live it.
Gary Burge, author and New Testament Scholar at Calvin Theological Seminary
“While I’ve seen many films like this, without a doubt this is the very best presentation of the issues I have ever seen. The quality of the writing, directing, photography, etc. is all first rate. I know most of the speakers and I think you’ve got them representing the very heart of their concerns. So well done!”
michael spath, Founder and executive director of Indiana center for middle east peace
“A comprehensive tour de force!”
matthew van Maastricht, Author and Professor at New Brunswick Theological Seminary
“This is the best film on the Israeli occupation of Palestine that I’ve ever seen. Sometimes the truth hurts, and this is the case with this. But these stories need to be told . . . The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not thousands of years old. It is not even hundreds of years old. It is decades old. It is a problem the modern world created. And it doesn’t have to continue.”